No, our platform is 100% free for you to make money.
By using our platform, you can shorten the link then share the shortened links to social network, youtube, forums, or your own website, etc.
The stats is updated real-time.
Absolutely YES. The referrer will earn 20% revenue lifetime from their referrals. We pay this from our pocket, but not cutting revenue from the referral.
Referral stat are updated once a day.
Yes! We offer Mass Shrink, Quick Link and Full Page Script.
We offer PayPal and WebMoneyZ. Minimum request is 5$ and will be paid in maximum of 7 days.
We do pay for AdBlock users but with less rates, but we do not pay for proxy users.
We count multiple views fromt the same IP (Second click onwards the rate will be decreased)
We delete the links if there is no views for 1 year(365 days)
Incentive traffic is strictly prohibited. For example : PTC, BTC faucet websites
Please email to Ezie.CC[AT]gmail.com